First non-Spa -30... or -32

Pink Wind, inventory was 1 Milk, 1 Spin mastery, 1 Safety, 1 Boost/pill, rest are pots, no silent winds, ran out of them lol..

I wanted a -30, so I tomahawked most of them, even though I HATE doing tomahawks if I can bs it, turned out pretty good, got a few 0.1y misses due to bad angle reads
Didn't HIO h4, was short 1y on 1m horizontal wind

*NOTE* It's -32, not -30, I took the screenie too soon, when it was still -30, count it yourself if you don't believe me :P


Ivan Tan said...

punya blog tokh....?
gak nyangka bisa nemu blognya...
btw, gw mulai dapat HWI 1w.

ini raktom

gw udah dapat baju kaz maid.
