Ice Spa is UL T^T

270y drive, with SR cadie+Titan boo+2 ctr cards, I guess this will be my main drive for now, until I get more cards and use my kaz for 284y :3

Had a nice front 9(my best, actually), Back 9 was just plain UL..

Hole 2 was 4m wind, but I probably misread the angle like usual :S
6 was 1m.. easy HIO :P hole 7 was... 4m I think, I didn't even calc that, just random aiming lol
Hole 8 almost HIO'd, 1y short =_=;; Hole 9 was a sweet 1m with a nice angle

Back 9 is shit.. Hole 10 was 1m, but I made a stupid decision of using 2w, instead of 1w, missed by 1-1.3PB I think(failed dunk > failed 6i dunk), hole 11 missed by 4y, wind was 3m to the left, didn't put enough curve for the spike dunk.
Almost got HIO on 12, was 1y off on the right pin, 13 was a stupid ppic and missed eagle chip, Hole 14, idk what happened, probably bad angle read, it was 1m -_- ppic on 15, missed hio on 16(i don't know how to calc it anyway :P) 17 was stupid as fuck.. I got the HWIs for it already, aimed right.. but I forgot to add wind(1m head) so it was 1m short, just like hole 8.. hole 18 ppic

UL back 9 is UL T_T

