-36 Blue Lagoon

Well just got this yesterday, on a random game with some beginner BR that wasn’t annoying and AFF-ing all over the place, so it’s nice..


I’ll try to explain the misses(scorecard is BL front)

Hole 1: Don’t know the green slope, tried finding it out with the abacus method, turns out it changes after a few pb, so meh..

Hole 2: 1y short, probably because I’m just starting to use power method, but it’s fine now

Hole 9: ppic, but I was sure it’ll go in if i didn’t ppic T__T it was 1m too (hole 6-9 all got 1m)

Hole 11: Honestly, this hole hates me :/ tee shot for tomahawk approach, but it got facked up.. cause the wind was 8m around 60-70 degrees for the tee shot, so I used 7i.. then got some uber slope + 2w restriction… It couldn’t reach anyway, even with 11 spin :/ so yeah, facked on that hole

Hole 18: See pic above, lol.. Facked up tee shot, even on 3m… and then shot got overcut =/


So close to –41 T__T if I were focusing more, and actually paid more attention on some stuff, that would be at least –40 ;_;


And for those who are wondering why I used 264, instead of 266… It’s because I wanted more ctr so things like hole 9 don’t happen ._.

Thanks to Mr. 7x for helping me with some stuff lol…

Major improvements

For the past 3 months of pangya, I noticed I had a huge improvement on a short period of time..
I'm gonna use one of my old post about card packs as a reference, cause that's when I started improving little by little.

As you can see, I've spent nearly a month playing with my 270y semi-calc method(which seems to be working fine at that time) And just after 3 weeks of 270y, I've decided to use complete HWI sets and actual calculating.. I found this 264y one from the web and tried it out.
I've had my doubts about calcing, because my shots never went in at first, then corrected my mistakes, use a more simple method for some values..
And after 4 days I got that -32 pink wind record. yes, just 4 days of calculating practice will take you to -32 if you're doing it right. I know I commented on mygo's blog saying it's 2 weeks, but I didn't really count the days when I commented lol, it only took me 4 days.

More than a month has passed since then, and I have new records on all courses, except for ice spa, because I need 2w HWIs which I don't have yet now. And of course wind hill, cause I'm staying away from that until I get at least -30 on all courses

Well I can say that I'm proud of myself for learning it in a short period of time, and honestly it's not that hard if you know what you're doing.

Latest record I have is Blue Lagoon -33, with 9982 pangs.. I was raging when it didn't reach 10k but hey, it's a part of learning, I'll get it later..

Currently using 266y drive, I really wanna play with 276y, but I can't take advantage of high drives for now, cause I still don't have 2w/3w/iron HWIs, and also dunk HWIs. I'll use that drive for sure when I'm at least national pro, or world pro.. That's when I think I'll have the skills to use a monster drive like that(Maybe with SR lola card too!)

Expect more records from me, It's either White wiz or ice cannon next.. And maybe that ice spa -40 I wanted 3 months ago

I challenged ColdFireGurl into studying pangya calculations, and she must chip at least 2/3 holes in a 3 hole VS game.. But I have to beat her in pokemon with E.V. training in return :D fun stuff

First non-Spa -30... or -32

Pink Wind, inventory was 1 Milk, 1 Spin mastery, 1 Safety, 1 Boost/pill, rest are pots, no silent winds, ran out of them lol..

I wanted a -30, so I tomahawked most of them, even though I HATE doing tomahawks if I can bs it, turned out pretty good, got a few 0.1y misses due to bad angle reads
Didn't HIO h4, was short 1y on 1m horizontal wind

*NOTE* It's -32, not -30, I took the screenie too soon, when it was still -30, count it yourself if you don't believe me :P


Failed the spa record, and taking a break from it for now, even with bob and 20 spin it's still hard to do it T^T..

Doing silvia now, got a 270y guide from a certain korean website that you probably know already, translated to english, also converted from tiles > PB.. And no, I'm not gonna release it, and don't ask where I got it from if you don't know.

I also got a few records, not much, but better than before, got those with lots of chokes, ppics, and angle misread.. If only I have better angle reading skillz T_T


Played spa with a friend, got HIO on 2, good run incoming but...
The guy decided to be a bitch about it, and quitted on hole 3 -_-

I'll get you someday jamez *shakes fist*

Update.. I guess

Played a lot of IS this week, none of them got past -34.. It just keeps giving me random UL spots from chutes, or unexpected ppics..

But those chutes are the reason why I like playing spa, people will think spa as a 'noob pang course that hackers play'.. I don't, I like playing there because I wanna figure out how to do those crazy chute HIOs, and just alternative playing, it's like a challenge to me.. I may not be good at chipping, but I find it really boring if it's just regular chips on a really easy course, like PW for example.. inb4 spa is a 1 star course, it may be an easy 1 star course, but it's hard to get the top score because it requires special calculations for chutes.. easy to play, hard to master.

Expect a -38 or more by mid september, I just need to get all of this UL and ppic mistakes gone.. And by the time I got that score, I'm sure people would report me as a hacker, cause my other course records are shit, and I have a 61% pangya rate (lol)(cell)

Ice Spa is UL T^T

270y drive, with SR cadie+Titan boo+2 ctr cards, I guess this will be my main drive for now, until I get more cards and use my kaz for 284y :3

Had a nice front 9(my best, actually), Back 9 was just plain UL..

Hole 2 was 4m wind, but I probably misread the angle like usual :S
6 was 1m.. easy HIO :P hole 7 was... 4m I think, I didn't even calc that, just random aiming lol
Hole 8 almost HIO'd, 1y short =_=;; Hole 9 was a sweet 1m with a nice angle

Back 9 is shit.. Hole 10 was 1m, but I made a stupid decision of using 2w, instead of 1w, missed by 1-1.3PB I think(failed dunk > failed 6i dunk), hole 11 missed by 4y, wind was 3m to the left, didn't put enough curve for the spike dunk.
Almost got HIO on 12, was 1y off on the right pin, 13 was a stupid ppic and missed eagle chip, Hole 14, idk what happened, probably bad angle read, it was 1m -_- ppic on 15, missed hio on 16(i don't know how to calc it anyway :P) 17 was stupid as fuck.. I got the HWIs for it already, aimed right.. but I forgot to add wind(1m head) so it was 1m short, just like hole 8.. hole 18 ppic

UL back 9 is UL T_T

Card Packs Are Here!! And spa record target..

I've been waiting for card packs to arrive since the start of S4 T_T considering I've been lucky a few times on KR(got 1 ctr card from a bronze card, and another from a card pack) I thought I'd get some awesome cards here too :D
So I saved 93K points leftover from the last update, and bought 200K more.. But it shows my points as 304K for some reason.. idk

Here's a summary vid of it:

Pretty cool, I got 2 SR cadie cards.. But I'm a little dissapointed with ctr cards' rarity, I only got 1 of them.. and i got 2 SR cadies wtf..

Full list of good cards I won:

4 titan boo(-1m wind)
2 SR cadie (+1 pixel to pangya bar, SC one is +2 pixel[feather effect])
1 ctr card(just refer kooh/nuri(R) as ctr card, as they both add +1 ctr)
1 R quma(adds a few pixels to the pangya gauge)
1 SR lolo(+6y on special shots)

I'll keep buying card packs per month, and I'll make a vid of the run everytime I buy them.

Also, I've been wanting to get a good spa record for a while(Mine's -27 on US and -31 on KR lol) I'm sure I could get -38 to -40 if I can pangya most of the time =.=;;
Gonna use High power for it cause I'm not aiming for pang record, but score record instead. So I'll have to skip some chutes if needed, have to family mode all day to get all the spots noted, and maybe chute calcing if I could figure out how..

My guess for KR's -48 spa record:

280y++ power, and lots of spin masteries:

(-3)1 - Chute HIO/some other method(haven't figured this one out)
(-5)2 - HIO
(-7)3 - Alba
(-10)4 - Chute HIO on 345y(backspin)/352y(frontspin) or power spike+sm to the pin
(-13)5 - HIO
(-15)6 - HIO
(-17)7 - Eagle
(-20)8 - HIO with spike+sm
(-24)9 - HIO
(-26)10 - HIO
(-29)11 - HIO with power tomahawk or just regular tomahawk if wind is good
(-32)12 - Chute alba or just plain alba since they have enough power to reach
(-35)13 - HIO with spike+sm frontspin on the ice
(-38)14 - HIO
(-40)15 - HIO
(-43)16 - HIO with SM frontspin
(-46)17 - HIO
(-48)18 - Alba

FYI, all ice spa holes can be HIO'd, but some holes(like hole 7 and 18)need a specific wind for it to work.. Hole 3 is possible by shooting a spike+sm frontspin to the right part of the ice(where there's igloo and stuff) but you gotta hit the sweet spot(which I still don't know, cause I only got a 1-on there once)

Oh wow..

I've forgotten about this blog o_O I think it was made since I was at junior high or something.. Maybe I'll make a use for it now :D

I posted this on my other blog today:


Pedobear and A7X FTW